NECOMM is the Emergency Communications Center for Marion, Lewis, and Ralls Counties in Northeast Missouri, proudly serving over 49,000 citizens across a 1,400-square-mile area. Our team of emergency telecommunicators provides a variety of radio, telephone, and digital communications for the agencies we serve.
Utilizing NexGen 9-1-1 call processing systems, automatic vehicle location (AVL), GIS mapping, and an integrated connection to the Missouri Statewide Interoperability Network (MOSWIN) radio system, our agency strives to get the right help to the right place, right away.
Telecommunicators currently hold the following certifications:
- State of MO Basic Telecommunicator – APCO/NAED
- MULES Full Access – MSHP
- Emergency Medical Dispatch – NAED EMD
- Emergency Fire Dispatch – NAED EFD
- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation – AHA
- National Incident Management System – NIMS/ICS
- Hazardous Materials Awareness – HAZMAT
Some staff members hold additional certifications such as Communications Training Officer (APCO CTO), Communications Units Leader (ICS COML), Communications Center Manager (NAED CCM), APCO Instructor, NAED Instructor, Firefighter, First Responder, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), and Peace Officer Standards & Training (POST).