Citizens and Legal Counsel
Records requests are primarily handled by the Executive Director but may be referred to other administrative staff as appropriate. We ask that citizens and attorneys call our office at (573) 221-1121, extension 3001 to discuss records requests. Understanding the situation and scope of your request is helpful in making sure all records relevant to your request are provided.
Because we create and maintain a variety of records for each incident, there may be information you are looking for, but unknowingly fail to specify by submitting a generic request letter. Further, because some records are closed to the public under 610.150 RSMo, understanding your situation, and if applicable, the status of any civil or criminal proceedings, will help us in making sure that all applicable records are provided as allowed under the law.
Please note that “blanket” requests for all records within a given time period may be overly burdensome and therefore take extra time to process. We handle numerous functions for several agencies in three counties. We understand that attorneys may not want to provide a lot of details regarding civil suits or criminal defense strategies. However, although we are a tax-based local government agency, we do not work for or report to any law enforcement agency. Our mission is to answer emergency calls, provide life-saving pre-arrival instructions, and dispatch public safety responders while remaining objective to all parties involved.
Public Safety Agencies
Agencies we serve may request a copy of records (CAD Documents and Audio Recordings) by submitting a Public Safety Records Request form. Click here to download a copy of this form. Please note: This form may only be used by the law enforcement, fire, EMS, or other government agencies we serve. This form is not for requests from citizens or private attorneys.
State law provides three business days to reply to all requests. Replies most often include the records requested, but in some cases may be a letter outlining the time and cost to provide the records or other response from our legal counsel. Our preference is to provide the records electronically and to comply with the Missouri Sunshine Law by being as transparent as possible. Because the records our agency maintains often contain sensitive personal information about citizens, certain requests may take extra time to be reviewed or have portions redacted to comply with various privacy laws.